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Whipped Up!

Written and Conceived by Jill Rogati

An interactive performance for the trickiest of audience members - babies!

Tiny's Diner.00_00_34_02.Still004.jpg

Whipped Up! follows an eager-to-please 50's-style diner server on their first day on the job - where the baby is the customer, and caregivers are along for the ride. As the server waits on their "demanding" clientele (imagine babies doing what babies do best - creating adorable chaos!) the server grows increasingly frazzled - and more and more entertaining! Stimulating for tiny audience members, and hilarious for parents/adults.

Next Performances

Thanks for your patience while we build a beautiful new version of the set that is far easier for us to transport.


Our next shows will be in September 2024 located in Cambridge and Swampscott!


Spread the word . . .

Whipped Up! was created to provide a welcoming space and moment of joy for babies and their dedicated grown ups. If you can think of someone who needs just that, please share this show with them!


We're taking Whipped Up! to Scotland's Edinburgh Fringe Festival! This spring, we will be touring around Massachusetts, and the profit of these shows will go towards offsetting the cost of performing at the Fringe. If you would like to know more about why we are taking on this endeavor check out the info on our GoFundMe. Please consider donating or attending or inviting friends and family to come to a show! 

Take photos and tag us on instagram @whippedupshow

If you are interested in booking, email or click the button below.

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